


Einstein in Love, by Dennis Overbye

Beautiful Book Covers - Einstein in Love

Devil in the Details, by Jennifer Traig

Beautiful Book Covers - Devil in Details

Time, by Eva Hoffman

Beautiful Book Covers - Time

The Chess Machine, by Robert Lohr

Beautiful Book Covers - The Chess Machine

This Will Kill You, by H. P. Newquist & Rich Maloof

Beautiful Book Covers - This Will kill You

The Mayor’s Tongue, by Nathaniel Rich

Beautiful Book Covers - The Mayor's Tongue

Columbine, by Dave Cullen

Beautiful Book Covers - Columbine

Locke, by Shawna Yang Ryan

Beautiful Book Covers - Locke

Race Riots, by Michael L. Ross

Beautiful Book Covers - Riots

A Field Guide to Getting Lost, by Rebecca Solnit

Beautiful Book Covers - A Field Guide to Getting Lost

Cool It, by Bjorn Lomborg

Beautiful Book Covers -Cool It

Against Happiness, by Eric G. Wilson

Beautiful Book Covers - Against Happiness

Tests of Time, by William H. Gass

Beautiful Book Covers - Tests of Time

Utopia, by Thomas More

Beautiful Book Covers - Utopia

How to Tell When You’re Tired, by Reg Theriault

Beautiful Book Covers - How to Tell When You're Tired

Hundred Hit Wonder, by K. I. Borrowman

Beautiful Book Covers - Hundred Hit Wonder

Traffic Lights, by Cynthia Dawn

Beautiful Book Covers - Traffic Lights

Violence: Big Ideas/Small Books, by Slavoj Zizek

Beautiful Book Covers - Violence: Big Ideas/Small Books

The American Civil War, by John Keegan

Beautiful Book Covers - The American Civil War

South of the Border, West of the Sun, by Haruki Murakami

Beautiful Book Covers - South of the Border

Exile and the Kingdom, by Albert Camus

Beautiful Book Covers - Exile and Kingdom

1984, by George Orwell

Beautiful Book Covers - 1984Beautiful Book Covers - Brave New World

Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley

The Humbling, by Philip Roth

Beautiful Book Covers - The Humbling

Nova, by Samuel R. Delany

Beautiful Book Covers - Nova

A Cultural Dictionary of Punk, by Nicholas Rombes

Beautiful Book Covers - A Cultural Dictionary of Punk

All the Sad Young Literary Men, by Keith Gessen

Beautiful Book Covers - All the Sad Young Literary Men

The Geographer’s Library, by Jon Fasman

Beautiful Book Covers - The Geographer's Library

Make Room! Make Room!, by Harry Harrison

Beautiful Book Covers - Make Room! Make Room!

The Crow’s Vow, by Susan Briscoe

Beautiful Book Covers - The Crow's Vow
