
里约热内卢州位于巴西东南部,北临圣灵州(Estado do Espirito Santos),西临米纳斯吉拉斯州(Estado de Minas Gerais),西南临圣保罗州(Estado de Sao Paulo),东南濒临大西洋,海岸线长636公里。面积4.36万平方公里

里约热内卢州位于巴西东南部,北临圣灵州(Estado do Espirito Santos),西临米纳斯吉拉斯州(Estado de Minas Gerais),西南临圣保罗州(Estado de Sao Paulo),东南濒临大西洋,海岸线长636公里。面积4.36万平方公里。重要河流有帕拉伊巴河等。沿海地势较平坦,内陆多为丘陵和山地。州府里约市中心距巴西首都巴西利亚直线距离1,145公里,距圣保罗市429公里,距萨瓦尔多市1,691公里,距贝罗市442公里,距维多利亚市509公里,距伊瓜苏1,495公里,距玛瑙斯5,164公里。 风景优美,多游览胜地。


Arpoador, Ipanema and Leblon

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Ruy Barbosa Pinto

Sunrise at Copacabana Beach

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Sergio Luiz

Flamengo Beach

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Ruy Barbosa Pinto

Sunset over Botafogo

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by AJ Brustein

MAC (Contemporary Art Institute)

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Hughes Léglise-Bataille

Penha Church

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Ruy Barbosa Pinto

Sugar Loaf

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by João Santos

Ipanema Beach

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Maíra Erlich

Christ among clouds

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Olivier

Fireworks at the Lake Tree

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Claudio Lara

Christ the Redeemer

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Ricardo

Watching over Rio

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Ricardo

Lage Park I

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Bert

Lage Park II

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Ruy Barbosa Pinto

Sunset from the Sugar Loaf

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Bert

Niterói’s Point of View

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Ernani Bezerra

Drummond and the Cow

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Eliezer Sanchez

Ipanema Sunset

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Irene Schmidt

Maracanã Stadium

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Dirce O Valle

Botanic Garden

Tribute to our Beautiful Rio de Janeiro

by Claudio Lara
