1. Walmart
2. Xerox
3. Starbucks
4. Ubunto
5. Yellowpages
6. UPS
7. BestBuy
8. Aol
9. Bauschlomb
10. BP
11. CapitalOne
12. AnimalPlanet
13. at&t
14. Cisco
15. Sprint
16. Rhapsody
17. Discovery Kids
18. Seattles Best Coffee
19. Mtv
20. Quark
21. Pepsi
22. msn
23. Kraft
24. Google
25. Jack in the Box
26. KFC
27. Delta
28. GMgoodwrench
29. Gap
30. Quicktime
31. Airtel
32. Argos
33. Big10
34. Australia Unlimited
35. HongKong
36. Caribon Coffee
37. Egypt
38. Honecore
39. iTunes
40. LendingClub
41. YMCA
42. Your Singapore
43. Workopolis
44. Wikipedia
45. Virgin Atlantic
46. Technicolor
47. Survey Monkey
48. Scribd
49. PricewaterhouseCoopers
50. Myspace
51. Library of Congress
52. Griffin
53. Comedy Central
54. Virb
55. Hemtex
56. Belk
57. DivX
58. THQ
59. Symantec
60. Verisign