Nick Brandt是一个摄影家,也是一个画家。通过他的镜头对于我们这些没有到过非洲的人来说,可以更加的了解一下这个国度。
Nick Brandt是一个摄影家,也是一个画家。通过他的镜头对于我们这些没有到过非洲的人来说,可以更加的了解一下这个国度。如果有机会一定要去非洲看看。

1. Elephant drinks. (Nick Brandt)

2. Giraffes at sunset in the Masai Mara in 2006. (Nick Brandt)

3. With the elephants going to drink. (Nick Brandt)

4. Abandoned ostrich egg. (Nick Brandt)

5. Buffalo head bowed. (Nick Brandt)

6. A herd of elephants crosses the lake. (Nick Brandt)

7. Elephant with broken ears. (Nick Brandt)

8. Elephants go on the grass. (Nick Brandt)
9. Elephants go on the bottom of a dried-up lake. (Nick Brandt)

10. Giraffes and the sandy wind. (Nick Brandt)
11. Giraffes fighting in the woods. (Nick Brandt)

12. Giraffes migrate. (Nick Brandt)

13. Gorilla on the rock. (Nick Brandt)

14. Portrait of a king of beasts. (Nick Brandt)

15. Lion resting under a tree lopsided. (Nick Brandt)

16. Lioness on the rock. (Nick Brandt)

17. Lion and lioness. As they say, soul to soul. (Nick Brandt)

18. Rhino on the lake. (Nick Brandt)

19. Rhinoceros at the lake. (Nick Brandt)

20. Leo before the storm. (Nick Brandt)

21. Zebras. (Nick Brandt)

22. Cheetah and her cubs. (Nick Brandt)

23. Arc of a wild herd. (Nick Brandt)

24. Lioness on the background of rocks. (Nick Brandt)

25. The baboons in the profile. (Nick Brandt)